Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nico Vega

     Today, I guess I'm cheating a little. Because I just started this blog, but I've been finding music for months, I have sort of a build up. So I am going to review the first album I ever selected: Nico Vega by Nico Vega; though they've kind of gained some buzz since I stumbled upon them last November.
     The album starts off strong and finishes strong with little variation. It follows an evident format, featuring a ballad, a hit, and a 'sing-along.' It's almost like they were following a cookbook: 'How to Make an Album.' They took their lead singer, Aja Volkman, a pinch of glitz, a tablespoon of innocence and blended it with riskiness, a stratocaster, and topped it off with cherry icing. In my opinion, the first three songs are the most impressive; my favorite, being 'So So Fresh.' Nico Vega sounds very full for only having three members, two of which play instruments on the tracks. I've heard that they've added a bass player this year, but didn't have one while recording this album. One thing I could definitely compliment Nico Vega on was their ability to perfectly mix the album, keeping steady consistency between the vocals and other tracks having none outshine the others when not necessary. Overall, this was a killer album and I see bright things in the future for Nico Vega. I only hope they can stray from this format they're currently stuck to and try some more carefree experimental songs.

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